In Stock
I’m sitting in the Detroit airport right now, on a layover. Destination: Newark, NJ. After that - NYC. I have about 30 mins before we start boarding.
Just wanted to drop in and mention that I recieved my copies of WordPress For Dummies yesterday - and it looks like and both have the book in stock now. That is different from yesterday - - as of last evening, was still saying that it was not in stock.
I did email Wiley (the publisher) yesterday to see if they could find out what was up with Amazon. He wrote back and said he’d call and light a fire under their butts.
Must’ve been an inferno! If anyone sees it in the stores…drop me a line and let me know. I’m interested in when it will physically hit the shelves. I’ll be in NY until Thursday - then I’m flying to Florida and will be home Sunday eve.
All My Exes Live in… Google?
It feels a bit strange… when one of your ex-boyfriends finds you on the ‘net by doing a Google (or in this case, Yahoo) search - isn’t it? Ever had that happen to you? I just did today… and it’s… weird.
The Chris I’m referring to is not my husband, who is Chris also.. but this particular Chris is a guy I dated for 3 years, quite some time ago. A lifetime ago, actually. He’s a great guy with a beautiful wife and a whole boatload of beautiful ren. He searched for my name in Yahoo! - for whatever reason (haven’t you ever searched out an old friend to see if you could sneak a peek into what their up to nowadays?).. and found me, my blog, my Amazon listing, my Flickr account, my photoblog… you name it, he found it and looked through it.