Gravatars - or Globally Recognized Avatars
Debbie, who is a relatively recent visitor to my blog, but fast becoming a regular (I *think* she’s even in the process of transferring over to our hosting service as I write this) made a suggestion about making a post here about Gravatars - - claiming she just can’t figure out those darned things!!
What is an Avatar?
First, a definition. An avatar, as it relates to this post, is a graphical representation of a person. Usually a small-ish icon that gives a visual identity to a name. You see them in use in bulliten boards, discussion forums, chat rooms.. and the like.
Gravatars are global avatars - hence, the G. The basic idea behind Gravatar is to provide a global avatar that follows you around the web wherever you go - - and the avatar appears on sites that are Gravatar enabled (like mine is). So, on blogs that are Gravatar enabled, whenever you comment on that blog using the e-mail address from your Gravatar account, your (G)avatar will appear in the comments - either next to your name, or next to your comment text. Having a Gravatar and using it in such a fashion is just another way to individualize your presence on the web.
New Talent at E.Webscapes
I’m very thrilled to report that the response to my job posting for a new designer at E.Webscapes recieved such a large response. The talent out there is inspiring and I had the opportunity to talk to several designers from diverse was really an interesting couple of weeks. Due to the large response, I had a very difficult time narrowing down the candidates.. but in the end, I brought on three excellent designers to the E.Webscapes team and I’m looking foward to working with each of them.
At E.Webscapes, we are currently in the position of having way more work than we can handle. That is a really GOOD thing and in order to continue to provide our clients with the quality design solutions they are seeking, bringing on new and talented designers was essential. Besides myself, Leanne and Dino are all full timers at E.Webscapes and Joni and Becca are both part timers - Lindsey, my assistant, is keeping busy, as well doing a lot of project management and doing the phenomenally difficult job of keeping ME organized (it ain’t easy!).